
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Blizzard In Springtime

One night last weekend, my husband took me out for ice cream at Dairy Queen.

While there, I noticed a sign announcing that this year is the 25th anniversary of the blizzard.

25 years!!!

I remember when blizzards were new. I remember the first blizzard I ever had.

I was in 4th grade, which means I was 9. Our Sunday School teacher had told us a few months earlier that if we memorized Matthew 5, she would treat us to ice cream at Dairy Queen one day after school.

This was an exciting deal for little Mennonite girls!

The day finally came. We had all worked on our verses every Sunday and spent extra time going over them at home. Scripture memorization came easy for me but as a serious little girl, I still worked hard so I wouldn't miss out on the sweet reward!

She picked us all up at school. One of the perks of attending a private church school was that everybody knew everybody else.

Our giggling van load made the trip to Junction City where the closest Dairy Queen was located. Not only was it a treat to go for ice cream but to head out with your friends and no parents or siblings... what a blast!

I believe that most of us had already recited our verses at church, so all we had to do was decide what we wanted.

We could choose anything on the menu.

I remember being so overwhelmed with the choices. I never was good at making decisions quickly and Mom always bought us kiddie cones, which usually came to us via free coupons from good behavior at the dentist.

I had never had a blizzard but they looked good and I was quite intrigued with how they turned it upside down before handing it across the counter. Some of the other girls ordered blizzards, so I did too.

An M&M blizzard.

Delicious! I giggled with my friends, watched the traffic roaring past and savored every bite.

Nowadays, my flavor of choice would be either Mint Oreo or Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.

Which flavor of blizzard would you choose? Considering that you even like ice cream, that is. :-)


This week only, you too can enjoy a blizzard for 25 cents with the purchase of one at regular price. You can also receive a BOGO coupon when you sign up for DQ's fan club. See all the details here.


  1. Love Dairy Queen! I always order a Walnut Sundae, which isn't on the menu but known by name at the DQ in the small town I grew up in. Cup of ice cream, wet walnuts and a cherry!

    Also love the dipped cones and Dilly bars. I've never tried a blizzard!

    Mary Ellen

  2. I love Dairy Queen Blizzards, too. I love just about any kind with chocolate in it.

  3. Mmmmmm - M&M's for me always! I make these at home all the time now - but what a very fun story you shared! Love that sweet memory!

  4. Mary Ellen,

    I usually order either a Peanut Buster Parfait or a regular cone at DQ, but the blizzards are good, too. Your walnut sundae sounds yummy!

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. Monica,

    I'll have to learn to make these at home too. I'm guessing it's pretty much just ice cream with add-ins? My husband would love it! I'm glad you enjoyed my trip down memory lane. Such a little thing, but obviously a memorable one!:-)

    Thanks for stopping by!

  6. This was a fun story! Thanks for sharing with us. I'm in SC but we don't have any Dairy Queen's around here. There is one 45 minutes away. I'll have to plan a trip and see what I'm missing out on!

  7. Mary Bailey,

    Thanks for visiting and commenting!

    Dairy Queen was the closest place for ice cream when I was growing up, so fond memories! I hope you enjoy if you get to go!


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~Mary Ann