
Friday, March 12, 2010

Making Your Home A Haven: Something Special

When I first read that the assignment for this week was to plan something special for someone, I immediately tried to think of someone to bless and what to do.

You know, so I could put it on my schedule.

My husband suggested that I not plan anything quite yet but to wait and see how the week unfolded. "You'll probably see that an opportunity will arise for you, " he said.

He was right!

His mom, my sweet mother-in-law, was able to come for a visit yesterday. When she called on Tuesday and asked if she could come by, I knew that this was the "something special".

I will start off by saying that I have a wonderful mother-in-law. She is nice, helpful, fun, kind...not at all like the stories you hear about mother-in-laws. I enjoy spending time with her  and she and my father-in-law have accepted me as one of their own.

My husband also has very nice in-laws, by the way. We are both very blessed to have such wonderful parents!

Anyways, it was very special that she was able to come for a visit. She takes care of her 92 year old aunt who has Alzheimers and her parents who are also near 90 are living with them right now. She is not often able to travel or get out because of this. My father-in-law works for Kohl's and travels weekly for his job and she was able to travel with him this week.And it just so happened that he was headed in our direction!

She takes such good care of everyone else so I wanted her to have a relaxing time while here. To enjoy not having to take anyone's blood pressure, cook and clean up for each meal, drive everyone to doctor and hair appointments or explain why she cannot have her checkbook!

She didn't have any specific stores she wanted to go to when I asked her so she rode along with me while I got a few groceries and ran some errands. She thoroughly enjoyed seeing the different grocery stores here since she normally only gets to Wal-mart and then has to hurry so she's not gone long! We looked at everything at Earth Fare and sampled cheese and fresh fruit, looked around at Super Bi-Lo and finished up at Aldi. She was so tickled to find discounted hair color in the right shade for one of the ladies on the clearance rack at Bi-Lo!

When we got home, I made French bread pizzas and a salad for lunch. Then we watched a Christian comedian on DVD that we knew she'd get a kick out of. 

I thoroughly enjoyed the day spent with her. Even though I really didn't plan anything extra special or out of the ordinary but just enjoyed being with her. I was so happy to be able to serve her and hope that she was blessed.

Next week's theme is an easy one: Pick a drawer and clean it out! That should be simple enough!

**Thanks to Monica for hosting Making Your Home A Haven each Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh - great job! I love that you were open to the opportunity and how God gently presented it to you. I'm so glad that you made her life happier and easier for one day!


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