
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Homekeeper's Journal

Here’s What’s happening …..

In My Kitchen ….French bread, beef and bean tortilla bake(which I made up with what I had on hand and was delicious!), lasagna soup, beans soaking.
With My Marriage ….. a little respect on my part goes a long way!
What I’m Reading …the first half of the book of Mark, thumbing through cookbooks looking for new ideas! I really need to get to the library for more reading material!
What I Have Been Learning …to let go of my perfectionist tendencies and just do my best, even if it's not perfect or the to-do list is not completely crossed off.
What I’ve Been Noticing ….the bondage and oppression that so many people, including Christians, are under.
On The Back Burner of My Mind ….buying and starting seeds, summer family reunion in Florida.
In The Deepest Darkest Recesses ….wondering exactly what special calling God has for me. Wondering if I already know and it's just not clear yet? I know He'll reveal it all at exactly the right time. :-)

**Thanks to the Christian Homekeeper for hosting Homekeeper's Journal!


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~Mary Ann