
Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Homekeeper's Journal

What's been happening in my home?

Well, I've been sick for the past week. It started with a cold, that despite my best efforts, just couldn't get rid of. Instead of getting better, it turned into a cough and congestion and then yesterday, I woke up with a fever and body aches. I've been taking Theraflu, resting lots, and drinking plenty of fluids. I'm still pretty wiped out and not feeling completely well, but I'm doing much better. I hope to feel completely better soon! I'd really like to go thrift store shopping on Friday and to the Farmer's Market and Costco on Saturday. We'll see if I'm up to it! 

In my kitchen... Not much cooking has been going on since I've been sick. The pantry challenge for January is over but I extended it one more week until I can get to the grocery store. We still have plenty to eat; not  as much variety, but plenty. My goal for January was to spend $50 or less and save the rest for bulk purchases. All of my grocery purchases for the month came to a whopping total of $50.55. So I went over by less than a dollar. I'm ok with that! I'm pondering whether or not to do a pantry challenge once a quarter this year. The money saved would be so helpful right now. And it would stretch my frugal cooking skills-something I am continually trying to become better at. Hmmm...something to think about. 

We've been eating some prepared foods from the freezer this week. Spaghetti, quiche and chicken soup. Yesterday, I cooked a pot of kidney beans. I froze a couple of bags and made Monterey Beans today for us. I added some cooked ground beef that I had on hand and served it with some guacamole I had frozen a few weeks ago. Yum!

I'm also planning our Super Bowl snacks and Valentine's treats!

With our marriage... My husband's always pretty sweet but he's been especially good to me while I've been sick. Yesterday, he ran some errands for me including a trip to CVS using lots of coupons and soon-to-expire Extra Care Bucks. I was so proud of him! And especially thankful for the medicine, supplements and ginger ale he brought home for me. :-)

Around the homestead... We were iced in over the weekend with a little snow and lots of ice and sleet. Cherished Dog loves being out in the snow! It is so cute and a little annoying when he's inside constantly whining at the back door to go out again. Some areas in North and South Carolina lost power at some point during the winter event, but we were grateful that ours stayed on. 

In the sewing room... I've been inspired to make some Valentine's decorations.  I tried my own fabric version of this cute craft today and it turned out pretty cute. I'll try to post pictures tomorrow. I also have another idea for a Valentine's garland. Maybe I'll work on that tomorrow. I have lots of red fabrics in my scrap bin thta are perfect for Valentine's Day.

In my "inner man"... Learning to be thankful for and content with 'just enough'. I'm grateful for God's provision and seeing how He continually provides for us.

**Thanks to Sylvia at The Christian Homekeeper for hosting Homekeeper's Journal!


  1. Sorry to hear that you have been sick. Hope you are feeling 100% soon!

  2. hey i took the plunge and joined in on the homekeepers journal =)

  3. Sorry to hear that you are sick. It was very nice to get a glimpse into your life!


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~Mary Ann