
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Mini-Freezer Cooking Plans

Fish Mama and Money Saving Mom are again hosting Freezer Cooking Days during this weekend and Monday and Tuesday of next week.

All of my freezer meals have been used up from my Freezer Cooking Marathon in November and most everything else I've stashed in there since then has been depleted too.

After the Eat from The Pantry Challenge in January and being that this is now the end of February, my pantry and freezer shelves are looking a bit bare.

I really wanted to get a few things back in the freezer since it makes my life so much easier to have either a whole dinner or dinner components all ready!

So I looked through what I have on hand and decided to plan a small Freezer Cooking Day for next week. I'll probably do most of it on Tuesday but I might do some on Monday too.

Last weekend, I made a batch of freezer meatballs and froze several meal-sized portions of cooked brown rice.  The week before had me cooking a big pot of white beans and freezing several baggies.

This will be mostly a baking day since those are the ingredients I have in stock. I'll do whatever I can and just add other main dishes and stuff at a later date.

My plan for this Cooking Day is:

  • One batch whole wheat bread
  • One batch whole wheat pitas
  • Two batches French bread (One batch made into ham and cheese bread by layering meat and cheese on the dough before rolling into a loaf. )
  • Carrot cake to take when visiting family next weekend.
  • Cook and chop one bag of chicken leg quarters for future casseroles, soups, etc. 
  • Freeze broth from chicken.
We'll see how this goes but it should be totally doable. It will be nice to have some baked goods at the ready again! I'll be blogging about my freezer cooking on Tuesday.

**To read more freezer cooking plans or to link up with your own list, visit Money Saving Mom!

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