
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Guest Post:: Veteran's Day Tribute

 **Thanks to my husband for writing this Veteran's day tribute to share with you while I slave away in the kitchen today! This post is linked to  Veteran's Day Tribute at The Happy Housewife, where you can read many tributes and stories or link up your own tribute. 

Hello friends. I'm Andy, Mary Ann's husband and I'll be your guest poster today. I'd like to offer a Veteran's Day tribute from a personal perspective.

My father is a Vietnam Veteran. He is not a war criminal, he is a proud American. My grandfathers were both World War II Veterans, and proud Americans. One of them is still here to talk about it. I am disabled from birth. Because of that I was ineligible to serve in our armed forces. I cannot say that I had any great interest in serving when I was 18 years old, but now 35, I can see where military service would have provided a great benefit to me personally.

Over the years I have learned to deeply respect and appreciate those who make the choice or are chosen to serve. I do feel some sense of regret knowing that I will never be able to do the same. I am however, thankful that I now work with a company whose sole purpose is to generate funds for the families of wounded and fallen servicemen. I see it as a way to serve those who have served so bravely.

If you know a Veteran or if someone in your family is a Veteran, please do two things today:

1. Thank them for me.
2. Thank them for yourself.

So here is my tribute.

I Am Not Like You 

I am not like you.
I have never served my country,
Neither voluntarily nor at its request.
My father and grandfathers did, but I am unable.

I have never traveled across the world to face my enemy
So my enemy would not,

And could not travel across the world to face me.
I have traveled across the world because I am free to do so.

I have never taken up arms to defend my brothers.
My defenders have done so for me.

I have never left my family behind,
To leave something behind for my family.
Though because of what so many have left behind I am here today.

I have never run to a fight when I should be running away.
And though I am unable to run at all, I am alive and free to walk.

I have never stood beside my fallen brothers.
Though I do stand beside you in my heart.

I have never given my life for my country and my friends.
Though I am intimately acquainted with a Savior who died and called me friend.

I am not like you, but in one small way I am.
I am a proud, free American.
Because you serve with sacrifice, dignity and honor
Free I will remain. 

Thank you all for your service.


  1. What a wonderful poem and tribute to our veterans. My dad was also in Vietnam and both my grandfathers were in the service in WWII.

  2. I really loved the poem and how it expresses so well what those of us who are not in the military feel. Thank you!

  3. Wonderful poem, thank you so much for sharing it and honoring those who have served!


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~Mary Ann