
Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Works For Me Wednesday: Scrubbing Floors

Today's theme for Works For Me Wednesday is tips for cleaning.

I do not own a mop. I used to have one but it got so gross that I threw it out. My linoleum floors are so small, it's not a huge deal to get on my hands and knees to clean them.

I started out with using a rag, scrubbing, rinsing, scrubbing and so on. It worked ok but not great. I was looking for something else.

I borrowed a friend's Swiffer thinking that might be the solution but I didn't like that either.

Then I read Debbie's post on scrubbing her floors with a mop that has a brush attached. It worked for her and her floors looked similar to mine. :-)

Light bulb moment!

I had a scrubbing brush in my cleaning basket that would work great for scrubbing the floors. I would wipe and rinse them clean with a rag like I had already been using.

I tried it and it worked great! I've gotten a lot of spots off the floors that I thought wouldn't come up. My floors are still not perfectly clean all the time but they are much better than they were!

Using a scrubbing brush to clean the floors works for me!

**Thanks for visiting my blog today. Don't forget to enter my fall giveaway while you're here!


  1. hey! that's a great idea. i just mopped on monday and the floors don't look as good as i would have liked. i think i may have a brush similiar to that lurking about somewhere.

  2. I don't use a mop for my bathroom either - it's way too small. I usually tackle it with a sponge, similar to your idea!


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~Mary Ann