
Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Recycled Storage Containers

I love to reuse and re-purpose items that I already have rather than going out and always buying new ones.

One area that can cost a lot of money is buying storage containers. So although I do purchase them from time to time, I try to see what I have around the house and use that instead.

Enter those nice big clear containers that salad greens come in. We eat at least one container of salad greens a month, so I end up with a few of these around.

When I first saved these, I used them only for packaging food. You know, cookies and brownies to give away. And they work great for that-no need to return a dish!

Then I needed containers for various toys and kid's items. Again, these work great and are see-through and stackable!

I've even used them to organize small items in my pantry and for random items that need organizing such as dog accessories and plant food.

I love reusing something that would otherwise be trashed and making it work for me!

What have you repurposed or recycled lately?

**For lots of organizing tips, visit today's Works For Me Wednesday at We Are THAT Family!


  1. Hello Mary Ann,
    This may be the first or second time visiting your blog. Very Nice! I saw your comment on thehomespunheart about you growing up Mennonite and no jewelry at your house. That's funny. I grew up (Conservative) Mennonite with no jewelery either. I always thought I would get what my mom got for an engagement gift (and that's all I wanted, too)and that was a sewing machine placed inside of a cedar chest. Uhmmm. Sounds like a future blog post for me...

  2. I love reusing containers instead of wasting money and taking out trash! Click on my name for lots of ideas.

    Last night as I was washing dishes, I suddenly took a closer look at the jar I was scrubbing. I could tell by the shape that it originally held peanuts. It now bears a label from my food co-op's bulk section with "oatmeal" written on it, but I had scratched that out and written "gerbil chow". So that jar has had at least 3 uses and probably went multiple rounds with the oatmeal! That just makes me so happy--it's like an old friend. :-)


Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love getting comments and feedback from my readers and appreciate you taking the time to let me know that you stopped by!

~Mary Ann