
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Super Savings Saturday

I shopped at Harris Teeter and Bi-Lo this week, then made a quick stop at Aldi's on the way home for 2 items!

Harris Teeter is tripling coupons this week (through Tuesday the 18th)so I definitely wanted to take advantage of that! Although Bi-Lo didn't have that many great deals running this week, I had found a few good prices!

Highlights of this week's trip:

--Boneless, skinless chicken breast: $1.79 lb.
--2-1 lb. bags Earthbound Farm organic carrots: $.99 each. Used $1/2 coupon and got 1 bag FREE!
--2 boxes Total cereal marked down to $1.91 each with additional $.50 peelies on them. Used 2 $.75/1 manu. coupon which doubled to make each box FREE!

--1 box whole grain spaghetti marked down to $.67.

Harris Teeter:
--Red grapes: $.88 lb.
--2 lb. bag marked down apples: $.70

The following items were purchased at HT using triple coupons:
--2 GUM toothbrushes: FREE
--3 Edge shaving gel: FREE
--2 Zone protein bars: FREE
--2 bags Utz pretzels: FREE

Total spent this week: $19.01 for approximately $60 worth of groceries!

Did you find any great deals this week? Tell us about it!

**This post is part of Money Saving Mom's Super Savings Saturday!

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