
Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Planting Time!

For the past 3 summers, we have planted a big garden with friends at their house. Several households go in together to buy the plants, help with planting and the upkeep of the garden. At harvest time, of course, we all get to share the produce! It works pretty well and we all profit from it.

This summer, like last year, I'm doing a small garden of veggies and herbs at my house to supplement what I get from the big garden. It's nice to have some plants growing right outside my own door!

We all got together last Saturday to plant the big garden. We didn't plant as much variety as other years, since we've figured out what does and doesn't do as well plus what the individual households like! We planted zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, green beans, peas and peppers.

The kids were quite helpful with planting and watering. They have helped every year and it's exciting to see them grow and learn throughout the whole process! After the planting was over, they had lots of fun making mud muffins and turtles as you will be able to see in a few of the pictures.

We also were all treated to some grilled hamburgers and hot dogs! Yum!

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~Mary Ann