
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kitchen Tip Tuesday: Following Recipes

Today's kitchen tip is a very simple one. But it has helped me so much as I cook and bake!

1) Pull out very ingredient that you will need for the recipe you're using. You'll know if you have everything.

2) Add each ingredient in the order the recipe has it listed.

3) As you use each ingredient, put it away. You'll be able to easily tell which ingredients you've already used!

These steps may seem like no-brainers, but whenever I do not follow my own advice, I invariably will leave something out or find that I'm out of a certain ingredient.

As a side note, one of my pet peeves is recipes that do not list the ingredients in the order you will add them to the concoction. This drives me nuts! If I need to combine all the wet ingredients at the beginning, then why is the vanilla listed way over at the end of the cookie recipe with the optional chocolate chips?!? I re-write recipes quite often so that they are easier to follow!

**This post is part of Tammy's Recipes Kitchen Tip Tuesday.


  1. Very good tips! I've also always told my daughter to put away the ingredient that she used so things don't get mixed up (Like you don't remember if you added the baking powder or not)!


  2. I try to re-write recipes in that order too. Otherwise I get all sorts of goofed up! I think the idea of putting things away after you use them is wonderful. Saves time on cleanup as well =)

  3. I agree so much easier when recipes list ingredients in order used


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~Mary Ann