
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Stocking The Freezer For A New Baby

My sister is having a baby girl in June and has been working to get everything possible ready before her arrival.

One of the items on her lengthy list of preparations was to fully stock the freezer with ready-made meals and snacks. She regularly does "freezer cooking days" so she is pretty organized and has a good plan already worked out.

She wanted to do a lot more this time though, so I offered to come and help her for a day.

Kathryn had already finished all the raw meat dishes such as meatballs, meatloaf, steak kebabs and hamburger patties so we just needed to assemble casseroles and make a few other things that were on her list.

I brought my big griddle and while she assembled numerous pans of baked ziti and lasagna, I was busy making 6 batches of pancakes.

I made 2 batches each of buttermilk pancakes, banana oat pancakes and a new recipe of chocolate chip-berry pancakes which were absolutely delicious! Her 3 year old son loves pancakes so this will make quick breakfasts for him while she is busy feeding the baby.

We also made several meat and potato quiches,ham casseroles, egg bakes, a big batch of fruit slush and bagged sliced ham into meal-sized portions.

Knox was very helpful in assembling the egg bakes, taste-testing the pancakes and sneaking handfuls of cheese!

We crossed off everything on her list except for homemade hot pockets and several batches of cookies.

At the end of the day, we had 42 meals in the freezer! We were both exhausted but it was totally worth it.

This will be so nice for her in the first couple of months as they adjust to having a new little one in the house.


  1. Thank you so much for all your help! It was fun to have someone else working along side me as well, since I usually do it alone.
    Knox has been eating Aunt Mary Ann's pancakes every morning this week, I belive. He's been in pancake heaven.
    Knox and I will work on the hot pockets and cookies this Saturday. I might also try some of the breakfast burritos, too. I hope to have a little more room in the fridge top freezer this week.

  2. WOW! I'm impressed! We've been trying to stock some things into our freezer but haven't yet gotten very far. Seeing all of this is inspiring to say the least. Thanks for sharing pictures!


  3. Tracy,
    When would you like for me to come over and help you? I wish I could!:-)

    Your welcome! I'm hoping to try some hot pockets next week too. Glad Knox is enjoying his pancakes!


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~Mary Ann