
Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Homemaker Monday

On my bedside table:
--The Strong Willed Child by Dr. James Dobson

On my TV:
--Fox news

On the menu for tonight:
--Nothing at the moment. We're eating at our regular Monday night meeting and so far I haven't planned to take anything.

On my To Do List:
--get some blog posts ready for this week
--laundry as soon as our new water heater arrives!

New Recipe I tried last week:
--Made up my own barbecue sauce recipe. It turned out pretty good. Now to remember what all I put in it!

In the craft basket:
--A baby shower gift.
--More skirts! I made one this weekend and liked it a lot so I plan to make one or two more!

Looking forward to:
--seeing my sister this weekend and attending her baby shower.
--having my 3 1/2 year old nephew come home with us for an overnight visit.
--getting our new water heater. Cold showers are really overrated!

Homemaking Tip for this week:
--Move things to where they will be the most useful. I moved our paper shredder into the dining room this week after realizing that part of my never-ending pile of paper had to do with the fact that I could not use the shredder during naptime due to the fact that it was in the office. Now I have no excuse! I can shred junk mail as soon as I sort the mail!

Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
I could totally relate to An Open Letter To The People In The Fashion Industry Who Design Clothes For Grown Women by Shannon at Rocks In My Dryer.

Favorite photo from last week:
Not the most lovely picture you'll ever see but here's a picture of the inside of our water heater after an electrical short caused a fire. We came home from running errands on Friday morning to half of our house filled with smoke! Thankfully it was not any worse!

Lesson learned the past few days:
--Be flexible! (Says the lady whose strong point is NOT flexibility!) We had an eventful weekend with a visit from the fire department due to a shortage in our hot water heater. We spent most of the next night at Urgent Care and the hospital as my husband very likely had a kidney stone. The CT scans came back negative so he most likely had passed it by then. He's feeling better now!

So between no hot water and not much sleep, I've been keeping things really simple. We ate out a few times over the weekend, made simple meals, used paper plates and basically just rolled with it! Things will get done when they get done! It will all work out eventually.

On my Prayer List:
--my husband
--our nation and president

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
Ephesians 1. Every believer needs to study this chapter and be reminded of all the spiritual blessings that are ours in Christ!

Thanks to Sandra for hosting Happy Homemaker Monday!


  1. Really glad your husband is feeling better :)

    Have a wonderful day.

  2. What a scary thing the fire must have been and how wonderful that it did not turn out horribly. i enjoyed reading your list.
    Happy Homemaker Monday

    Roberta Anne = The Raggedy Girl

  3. A book similar to the one you're reading is found here - Raising Your Spirited Child also has a workbook with it. "Spirited" is just the new term for the same issue.

  4. You did have an eventful weekend! Glad that Andy is feeling better. I know how painful kidney stones are!

    Hoping your week is much better!

  5. Mary Ann,

    Was glad to check in with you. Thank you for your sweet comment recently.

    I saw that post of Shannon's and thought it was pretty funny/true, as well.

  6. Great comment about moving your paper shredder, where you would regularly use it. I love to shred my documents, and keep it in my office. Whenever I get frustrated its soothing to shred paper.


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~Mary Ann