
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday

It's Wednesday and I know that means to chronicle my weight loss journey for the past week! I hope this isn't too boring for the rest of you!:-)

I started counting calories this week. This went very well. I already was watching my portion sizes but now I am much more aware of my caloric intake! I've been working on adding more veggies into my diet on a consistent basis, not only for weight management but also for general good health. I read some articles that mentioned non-starchy vegetables and that eating at least 5 servings of these each day will help to promote weight control as well as optimal health. I made a list of these vegetables and hung it in my kitchen to help me remember. This has helped me to include more servings of these veggies in my diet! Non-starchy vegetables include but are not limited to peppers, green beans, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower,spinach, salad greens, tomatoes and cucumbers. I was able to buy a large bag of pesticide-free tomatoes for $1.51 on the produce clearance rack the other day, so we've been enjoying them! Most of these veggies are not in season currently so I rely mostly on frozen produce. The good news is that almost all of these are very budget-friendly!

Doing well on this!

I haven't exercised every day this week due to rainy weather. The other days I've been able to get out though! I've done some running but mostly walking with either the dog or kids. I figure as long as I am getting exercise, it's ok.

Staying pretty close to my daily calorie goals. Sundays and Mondays are always my hardest as we eat with other people. These meals are either potluck or pre-planned so it can be difficult to stick to eating a small portion or healthier foods. This week I did really well with keeping my portion sizes appropriate and utilizing a little will-power. I didn't record my food for Sunday as we all can use a day off, but I still want to make good choices as this has more to do with discipline and a healthy lifestyle than just losing a few pounds.

A very busy week with eating on the go which can make it harder to eat right!

Plans for next week:
Continue keeping track of calories and my weight goals by using

Weight Loss:
I dropped 6 pounds this past week! Yeah!!! I lost the 2 pounds that I gained last week with in a couple of days, which I am convinced was water retention. I was pleasantly surprised when I stepped on the scale this morning and saw that I had lost another 4 pounds! Since my goal at the moment is to lose 20 pounds, I have 16 more to go!

**This post is linked to Happy2B@Home's Weigh-in Wednesday.

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~Mary Ann