
Monday, March 02, 2009

Happy Homemaker Monday

On my bedside table:
--new issues of Southern Living and Country Home magazine

On my TV:
--Super Why for the littles

On the menu for tonight:
--eat at church meeting.I'm providing bread.

On my To Do List:
--clean kitchen
--bake bread for tonight

New Recipe I tried last week:
--turketti. A turkey spaghetti casserole. It was good; probably not something I'd make often but still fairly tasty.

In the craft basket:
--felt pieces for the flannel board. Didn't get to them last week.
--curtains for shelves in office.
--denim place mats.

Looking forward to:
--meeting with a friend or two to share what we are learning through God's Word. This will hopefully become an ongoing weekly occurrence.

--a snowy day today! Yeah!

Homemaking Tip for this week:
Don't be afraid to minimize and declutter. I haven't been happy with my hutch for a long time. It is really the only place to keep the dishes that I don't use daily and it was too full. Plus it shakes when someone walks by. On a whim, the other day, I got out a box and started to fill it with the items that aren't my favorites or used on a regular basis. I may get rid of a few things but for the most part I'm storing them away for now. Now there's room to breathe as well as add a decorative touch or two. I like it!

Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
--Living A Simple Life(A New Season) at Frugal Granola.

This post was so encouraging to me. It is a wonderful story of God's continuing direction and provision.

Favorite photo from last week:

Rock only knows one trick-"High 5". I think it's so cute and funny when he stands on his back legs!

Lesson learned the past few days:
--It's been a little more difficult than I thought to switch to baking with more whole grains and natural sweeteners. I'm still looking for a good cookie recipe. The peanut butter cookies I made the other day didn't turn out so well.

On my Prayer List:
--my husband
--my dad who is having outpatient surgery tomorrow
--baby daughter of friends who has been undergoing different surgeries and tests.
--teenage son of friends who is having trouble in school as well as making choices that are not wise.

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
Romans 8:38-39:
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Thanks to Sandra for hosting Happy Homemaker Monday!


  1. I really need to practice your Tip of the Day more often.. there is too much clutter in our house!
    Thanks for the comment - please let me know how the Chicken Piccata goes or if you have any questions!

  2. Thanks for your tip of decluttering. I can't take this clutter anymore especially at the computer desk.
    Will be thinking of your Dad and will whisper up a prayer for him.
    Have a blessed week.

  3. love this! i may have to join. great tips and ideas.

    i need to start baking with more whole grains too. i have some on hand, but need to add to my pantry.

  4. Great tip on decluttering :)

    Hope everything goes well with your dad's surgery :)

  5. What a great post. I so enjoyed reading it. The photo of your big baby is so cute!! Animals just never cease to amaze us.

    Thanks for stopping by and visiting with me.

  6. Man I wish I had some of that bread as soon as you take it out the oven!! Came by way of Sandra's.

  7. Great post. I loved your description of the rocking china cabinet! My dog only knows two tricks sitting up pretty like Rocky is doing but she dosen't high five. And she shakes and shakes and shakes your hand! Rocky is really cute.
    I loved your verse too.
    Have a Blessed week and thanks for coming by and visiting me on my journey.


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~Mary Ann