
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Works For Me Wednesday-The Toy Edition

This week's Works-for-me-Wednesday is a themed toy edition. What kind of toys will not end up in the yard sale pile soon after they are opened?

I'm not a mom, so I can't speak from that perspective. But I'll share some of the things that our nieces and nephews love for gifts.

Both my sister and sister-in-law are rather picky about the toys that come into their homes, so I often ask for recommendations for Christmas gifts. I want to give the kids gifts that they and their parents will love!

Here's the good gift ideas that they've given me in the past few years:

1)Books. My sister-in-law told me that she doesn't get rid of books. I try to pick out classics or books pertaining to subjects that the kids are interested in.

2)Craft supplies. Our oldest niece especially loves crafts. So extra supplies are helpful for her. Paper, packs of foam, glue, beads, stickers, etc.

3)Consumable items. These are things that get used up and don't hang around taking up space. They can include art and craft supplies but also things like bubble bath, favorite snack foods,etc. We gave our 3 year old niece a bottle of "Princess" bubble bath for Christmas last year. She was beyond thrilled!

4)Little People toys. All the kids love these and have continued to play with them past the toddler years. Best of all, these toys last and last through multiple kids.

5)Handmade Items. I am the resident apron-maker for the girls, sewing them new and bigger ones every couple of years. Last year, crayon pouches were a big hit!

What are gifts that your kids really love?

For more toy-themed posts, please visit Rocks In My Dryer.


  1. Ooh, how the children love a box of craft supplies...

  2. Love the consumable ideas! It's the simple things that are often overlooked for gifts, like bubble bath!


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~Mary Ann