
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kitchen Tip Tuesday-3 Quick Tips

Today I'm joining in with Kitchen Tip Tuesdays to share three quick tips with you.

1) I love planning my menus a week or two at a time. After trying many different printables, menu calendars,and scraps of paper, I've discovered the easiest way to have a menu plan on my fridge. I simply print out my menu when I post it for Menu Plan Monday. I love it!

2) Leftover hot dog buns make great last-minute garlic bread. I always have at least one hot dog bun left after the hot dogs are eaten. I throw these in the freezer and then pull them out for quick garlic bread. Simply spread with butter and sprinkle with garlic powder and broil until browned. Great with pasta!

3)The best time for me to pack my husband's lunch is right after dinner. He's able to reheat food at work so dinner leftovers are what he eats most days. When I fix his lunch right after dinner, I'm saving time by doing it when all the food is still out. I like having everything ready the night before- small containers of leftovers in the fridge and any non-refrigerated items, a cup,napkin and silverware already in his lunchbox. In the case that I don't have enough leftovers for his lunch the next day, this gives me enough time to come up with a back-up plan instead of scrambling early in the morning! Sometimes, I go ahead and fix myself a plate, too, to have ready for lunch the next day!

To read more Kitchen Tips, please visit Tammy's Recipes.


  1. I also pack hubby's lunch right after dinner. Quite the time saver! ~Wendi

  2. I pack my husband's lunch right after dinner, too. Then I just put the whole lunchbag in the refrigerator. Works great! :)
    It's a whole lot easier than trying to muddle through packing his lunch at 4 AM before he leaves for work. I don't think my brain will turn on that early. :)


  3. We just recently started the lunch packing thing for my husband. He works for the govt. and until recently they had a very affordable cafeteria at his work place--his entire lunch was usually under $3.00 total. But now the cafeteria is underconstrction and it will not be open for quite some time.

    This is such a great tip--to do it right after dinner... thanks!


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~Mary Ann