
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Works For Me Wednesday: Menu Planning

I really like planning my menus ahead. Not only does it save me money, it also saves time thinking about what I should cook each day. But I found that I was having trouble thinking up things to cook when I sat down to make up my menus.

It really helped me to come up with a plan for dinners for each day of the week:
Monday-Cook's Choice(Most Mondays we eat at our small group Bible study.)
Tuesday-Soup, Salad, or Sandwich
Thursday-Crockpot or something from my freezer
Friday-Cook's Choice
Saturday-Breakfast for dinner
Sunday-Snack-type "fun" foods

To get me started, I wrote down all of the foods we like in the different categories. Now when I have trouble coming up with a meal plan, I consult my list. I also get ideas from looking at what ingredients I have on hand! This isn't set in stone; a lot of weeks, I won't follow this plan exactly. After all, there is no rule stating that I can't switch things around! Since I love the creative outlet of cooking and trying new recipes, Cook's Choice is my favorite day to plan.

Other ideas are having a pasta night, pizza night or casserole night. You can plan whatever works for your family and unique situation.

Using this method to plan my menus has been a real time-saver, so it definitely works for me!

As always, many thanks to Shannon for hosting WFMW! Be sure to check out Rocks In My Dryer for many more great tips and ideas!


  1. Having a plan like that must cut down on the chaos. We have a pasta night and a Chinese night. Maybe I will try to come up with others. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hey - It's nice to see a fellow South Carolinian with a good tip! Thanks. I really like this idea.

  3. Menu planning is a great tip! I like how your menu still had flexibility in it - that's a really good idea.

  4. I really need to do something like this.

  5. Yes menu planning is fantastic. I started Menu Plan Monday as a way to encourage others to give it a try. Would love it if you joined us on Monday! Laura

  6. I SO need to do that! Our tip is up and we're also hosting the Carnival of the Vanities today - busy day in duck-land!

  7. I'm a menu planning kind of gal myself! I love your "breakfast for dinner" idea. :)

    Thanks for your comment on my WFMW creating blogging categories post.

    If you're so inclined, stop by this coming Friday and participate in my Five Ingredient Friday recipe exchange! :)

  8. I love planning out menus as well, but it becomes so hard sometimes doesn't it? Thank you so much for the wonderful idea, I'm putting it to use immediately!

  9. This is exactly what we do too! I actually have a hundred pages of recipes to prove it- each divided into our categories. Sunday- brunch, Tuesday- comfort food/casserole, Wed- slow cooker night, Thurs- Kiddy Food, Fri- Pizza Night, Sat- Seafood :)

  10. I sure need to work on this one, thanks for the tip!


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~Mary Ann