
Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Works-For-Me-Wednesday: Sacred Space and Bible Basket

Some time ago, I read an article in some Christian publication about designating a corner of your home as your "sacred space". Sounds cool, doesn't it?!? :-) It's a space where you can read your Bible, pray, be still before God, chill out, whatever...:-) It can be different depending on whether it is mainly for you or for several people in your family.

Up until reading this article, I had no special spot in which to land for my quiet time each morning. So I was immediately intrigued and began my search for a special chair for my sacred spot. I was hoping for something more cottage-y and charming, but this 21st Century American yard sale find was just the right price at $12, so I immediately deemed it as sacred.:-)Adding an afghan and a pretty pillow makes it seem very cozy, plus I have a floor lamp nearby that has a 3-way light switch so I can have dim light if I want it. Our CD player is close by and also a space to light a candle if I'm in the mood! This chair also comes in handy for cuddling toddlers, reading stories and is perfect for using as a certain toddler's "milk chair"(bottle time sitting against the soft pillow!). I don't have my chair in a secluded corner or anything, but then my living room is pretty secluded anyways at 5:30 a.m. when I sit down for my quiet time.:-)

Beside my chair, I keep a basket filled with my Bible, devotional book(s), various journals and blank books and at least one pen. Everything is right there and easy to find. Husband's Bible has also found its way into the basket, which makes it extremely easy to grab Bibles and get out the door on Sunday morning, since we know where everything is!

I love getting up each morning and going to sit in my special spot. Just sitting there is calming and promotes a quiet spirit before God. I encourage you to also find your own little spot in your home if you don't already have one. My "sacred space" is an idea that definitely works for me!

Be sure to check out Shannon's blog today for more great Works-For-Me-Wednesday ideas!


  1. Great post, Mary Ann. While I'm still looking for that "sacred space," I do have a basket with my Bible, devotional, journal, pen, etc. that can go with me to my space for that day.

  2. What a beautiful idea! Upon reading that, I immidiately knew where my space would be. Now to get it renovated and moved into!

  3. In my old house, I had a spot I always went, and you're right, it automatically put me "in the mood." I may do that again.

  4. Sacred Space? Excellent! And yours looks so inviting, I'm thinking it just calls out to you to spend some times with Him!

  5. Oh, I love this idea. Your space does indeed look so cozy!

    Thanks for sharing. :)

  6. You've inspired me to take more time for God each day... I like your sacred spot.

  7. sounds wonderful! great idea!

  8. Your spot is lovely, and inspiring!

  9. $12 for that chair - SCORE! I love yard sales. :)

    I never really thought about it being a "sacred space", but I do have a chair that I always head to for Bible reading or knitting and pondering, so I suppose in my own little way I am doing that. Great post!

  10. Love the idea of making that space yours in so many ways. So not only are you setting aside time for God, you are setting out a space too.

  11. This is a great post...I'm going to do this today!!


  12. What a wonderful way to spend your quiet time with the Lord. Beautiful!! :)

  13. Great idea! I'm definitely keeping this one in mind!


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~Mary Ann