
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Works For Me Wednesday: Have Birthday Cards Ready!

I have a greeting card organizer that is very helpful for knowing where all my cards and stationary are stored. I did have to come up with a system to make sure my cards got sent out at the right time.

At the first of the year, I make sure I have enough cards for all family members and close friends. I go ahead and pick out a card for each person, write their names on the envelopes and organize them according to month. I then store them in my card box.

On the first day of each month, I have marked on my calendar to get that month's cards ready.(I also have each birthday marked on my calendar.) I then get that month's stack out, address and stamp them and put them in my little basket by the front door where I keep all outgoing mail. Each day, I see the cards and mail them if it is the right time.

This takes a little brain power to remember all this, but it has made it much easier to send cards out on time. It definitely works for me!


  1. This is a great idea. We have a big family and I always have such good intentions about sending cards...but then forget half of them! Thanks for the tip!

  2. I keep meaning to get my act together with the whole card thing!

    It sounds so easy the way you do it. I must see if we have those organizers here. If not, I may just have to whip one up myself!

  3. Great idea! I'm with "Mieneke" (your last commenter) - I keep meaning to get my act together with this too! Your idea might be the kick I need - thanks!

  4. Good idea, I'm always late or finding a card at the last minute! Happy Wednesday, ours is up as well!

  5. THANKS for the tip!!!

    To help remember when to mail them - dont put the stamp on them, but write in that spot when they should be mailed. Put the stamp on when you take them to the mailbox.

  6. Thanks, everyone for your comments. Rene- I forgot to mention that in my post; I do that, too. :-)

  7. Great idea. One of the things that I wanted to work on this year was to be the sort of person who actually sends out birthday cards - I love your tip!

  8. Ooh this is such a good idea! I really needed a better system for this type of thing because I am usually a frequent buyer of the belated birthday cards! But I will have to try this because it sure seems like a really great way to get myself more organized. Every little bit helps, right?!

    Great idea... thanks for sharing!

  9. I need to get my act together with the b-day cards. Thanks!


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