
Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Random (Frugal) Things

So far this week has been nice and calm.

I had a doctor's appointment on Monday so I took the day off of work. It was a nice treat to come back home after the appointment and not have to rush off to work. I took a nap, did two loads laundry, emptied trash cans and vacuumed the floors. We also spent a little time looking over our budget. We have some financial goals to save for so looking over the details occasionally is good!

I made a BBQ beef brisket in the crockpot the other day and this morning I decided we should probably use the last little bit up. I did a little asking on facebook and a little searching on Pinterest and decided to make a "Crockpot Brisket Stew". My bi-weekly grocery shopping trip is coming up this week so I'm running low on a few items. The stew definitely turned into "what I had on hand" stew. I used brisket, carrots, leftover green beans, leftover rice, onion, canned diced tomatoes and some spices and seasonings. Hopefully it will be delicious!

I made a batch of corn muffins to go along with the stew. I always find it fun to be creative and make meals with what I have on hand.
                 Between sets, I was able to get this shot of "Jehu vam Bassett" who played the role of the main family's hound dog. He was fun to watch as he reminds us so much of our own Bassett-mix!
A friend messaged me last week saying that she had some extra tickets to a local Christian theater that does Broadway-style shows. Her son is a cast member for "The Gospel According To Tennessee" so she had tickets to give for that show. We arranged to go last Saturday. It is a dinner theater and our tickets included a meal! Meals are always themed to go with the show so the meal was fried chicken, macaroni & cheese, pinto beans, Tennessee Weddin' Cake (corn bread) and blackberry cobbler. It was delicious! The show was really fun too. It was a really nice date for the two of us. We had never been to see a show there and now we'd like to go back. I've heard their Christmas show is amazing.

I picked these pretty flowers while walking Willie this morning. A simple pretty little touch in a vase.

Hope you all have a good week!